A Moment of Madness.
Sometimes we're too careful. We abstain from pure happiness in knowledge that something is just going to flip our life around again, so there's no point in being fully, whole-heartedly happy. We wait for the next downfall. We're preparing for the crash. We shut our eyes, our hearts pumping overtimes, and there it goes. What we've been waiting for. Absolute madness.I'm a grade A worrier. I cry whenever I feel like life just overwhelms me (about 3-4 times a month), and I wait for it. It's like standing on a cliff above the ocean about ten stories high waiting for the right time to jump knowing that your body will never be ready. So, you wait for your body to catch up with your brain and that may take a few pep talks. I catch myself struggling with trust. It can be a difficult thing trying to convince yourself that everything will be okay.In the still, when we feel our worlds crumbling down around us, is when we need to give it to God and let it go. Everyone has days, months, even years of hardships. But, four horrible hours of one day does not make it a bad day. It makes it a bad four hours of that day. A few bad times during the year does not make it a bad year. It makes it a few bad times out of the year. See, we are so consumed in our problems that we forget to think of the bigger picture.Is life so bad that we all tell ourselves we can't be happy for a single moment? Each season in life is a season of tests and trials and tribulations, as well as victories and triumphs that determine if our mind and actions are in the same place, or if they've developed since our previous seasons. We're expected to grow, to learn, to accept the tough times. Personally, I've always struggled with knowing things will get better, because constantly I feel like they never will, and sometimes I even tell myself that. But, one thing is constant in our moments of madness. It is that God died for us, he loves us, and he never puts us through things he knows we can't handle, and we should trust in that and embrace it.My Humanities professor reminded me today that if God is for us, then who could ever be against us? We're warriors in the eyes of God. Yes, we (or maybe just me) may cry 3-4 times a month asking God why me and why this and why that? But, you can't be naive to assume God allows everybody to live effortless lives except for you.So, next time when you think you're going a little mad, know that you aren't alone. Cry, scream, get angry if you need to, but at the end of the night, the day ends and when the sun rises it's a new beginningIn the words of our Lord, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33words by Tiffany Campbell and photo by Petra Lee