Met By Love.
“We are not automatically whole, we need to be met by love.”I heard this quote in a video testimony from someone who was wrecked by the presence of God for the first time. This man so simply put into words what we subconsciously have known all along. There is a lack of wholeness within us until we are met by the undeniable love of God. There are billions of people roaming this earth searching for whatever it is that will satisfy this desire for something more.And I take it for granted that I know. I’ve tasted and seen of the sweetest of loves from such a young age that I don’t even remember that void. I am beyond blessed to have this as my story. I’ve gone to countless Sunday school classes, youth retreats, mission’s trips, you name it. I know the gospel. I could recite it with actions, songs, even in a minute or less. I know the good news, but I somehow always forget that it is GOOD NEWS, the best news.It’s easy for me to tell myself that my friends who aren’t Christians already ‘know,’ and they kind of do. They’ve heard the name of Jesus and they could probably name a few stories from the Bible. They have probably stepped foot in a church at least once at some point in their lives. So we ‘know’ but do we really? Why would I ever keep this to myself? Why do I divert the conversation when my friends who don’t know the Lord ask me even the simplest questions? Why do I think that any of this is about me? If we truly knew and understand the simple truths of this simple gospel there should be nothing that could hinder me from sharing it with anyone and everyone who I have the opportunity of interacting with.We all need to be met by love to such a depth that there is no question about who He is and who we are because of Him. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. (1 Cor. 13:7)Love wants to encounter each and every one of us on such a personal level. Love wants to satisfy us way more than we long to be satisfied. Love knows us way better than we could even begin to pretend to think that we know ourselves. Love left heaven to be with us and then to die for us. This love is completely indescribable and so much better than anything we could ever comprehend. Love has a name and His name is Jesus.words by Kirsten Larson and photo by Ivy Hansen