In Need of Substance.
Recently, I discovered that my time here in the city of Chicago has primarily consisted of donut shops and book stores. I could dig through books forever, and this never used to be the case until I began writing. I find a whole new beauty and passion in books that I never seemed to get until I began considering writing one myself. I feel almost connected with other authors, for we both have similar desires (to express our thoughts) and similar downfalls (the inability to do so in the way we desire).The more I go to these book stores though, the more I feel burdened for the world. Millions of books have been written with hours of thought put into them, buckets of tears spilled over them, and thousands of dollars invested into them. The amount of books that can be found throughout the world and over the years may seem like a great accomplishment, but the truth is, many of these books proclaim, support, and preach false hope and fleeting comfort. They have typed word after typed word, filling many pages, but failing to fill readers, leaving people emptier than ever. Readers are left untouched, unmoved, and un-effected in the long run...of eternity. Maybe for a few days, their minds will wander back to that prior knowledge they gained, but ask them a month later to quote a line or present the books purpose, and they might list off a lengthy yet jumbled description that clearly had little impression on them.I am not quite disappointed that most books lack this deep and intimate substance that the human soul so eagerly seeks because I am not quite sure what I expected from a fallen world that turns to golden calves and mortal images, I mean self sufficiency and independence, or maybe any other thing that is not connected with the One who fully satisfies. Though I am not disappointed, I am confused. Confused why people write about pointless things that lack even the slightest bit of redemption. The deepest desire of the human heart, eternal intimacy and relationship, is being finitely filled with substitutes that actually leave one hungrier than before.I am in no way against every book that is not Scripture, but rather, I think we should re-think what we read and what we write. More than enough books have been written on concepts that lack any eternally satisfying and encouraging Truth. Maybe the more books we read that turn our attention to future hope and glorification to come, the more our present perception of this life will be transformed. Colossians 3:2 “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”I want to write about something, Someone, Who has the power to change one's eternal destiny.words by Kylie Hultgren and photo by Ivy Hansen