The Promise Keeper and Promise Breakers.


God is a promise keeper.Did you know that? Maybe you did, but have you really thought about that? The truth held in that seemingly simple statement? The weight of that truth?“God is a promise keeper, despite the fact that human beings are promise breakers.”I heard that statement in a sermon this past weekend. I wrote it down because it sounded nice and inspiring...but in the days since, the reality of that statement has hit me all too hard. It’s still fully sinking in. God is a promise keeper, no matter what.No matter what kind of situation we get ourselves into. No matter what we commit to doing but then back out of. No matter how we feel in one moment and how drastically different we feel in the next. No matter what. Always. God is a promise keeper. When thinking about the fact that God is a promise keeper, I think we can tend to immediately focus on the fact that we, as humans, are not always promise keepers. While there is certainly merit to taking time to better ourselves and push ourselves towards growth, I think the most important lesson here is found in shifting our focus to who God is. His character. What He has chosen to do for us.When I feel paralyzingly anxious for the 34823094809 billionth time this week, I must choose to remember that my God is a promise keeper. I am secure in Him. He did not create me to live in fear or dread. I am covered and surrounded by a perfect love that casts out all fear.When I feel heartbroken and discouraged by the state of our world and the events occurring every single day, I must choose to remember that my God is a promise keeper. This world is not “the end.” He is coming back. There is plenty of beauty and hope to be found. We should all be doing our best to spread this hope and light to everyone around us.When I feel inadequate and overwhelmed, I must choose to remember that my God is a promise keeper. He has, is, and will continue to take care of me. He has put me where I am for a specific purpose. I am protected and carried by Him. It is my job to share the reality and blessing of that truth with others.What perspective are we holding onto? Is it a perspective that focuses on our inabilities, insecurities, and faults? Or is it a perspective that dwells on the beautiful and unconditional promises of the Lord? We must take the time to shift our focus to the important and hope filled truths that are more present than we might realize. I feel as though it is quite easy to “know” the “right” things to think about or to dwell on. It is, however, an entirely different ball game to actually have the self-discipline to live out the things you claim know and believe to be true. We need to stop complaining, stop making excuses, stop feeling guilty or frustrated, and we need to start changing our perspective. We must focus on what matters.Taking those steps to change your perspective, to grasp truth, to adjust your perspective… it is difficult. It is painful. It may seem too unattainable. However take heart, for He will not leave you out on your own. He will not leave you, period. He will not let you go or give up on you. Keep seeking, keep pushing, keep trying, keep calling, keep going. He knows what’s best for you. He has intricately planned everything down to the very last nanosecond. He has promised this. And God is a promise keeper.words and photo by Meredith Blair

LifestyleMeredith Blair