Joy in the midst of circumstances. What a concept. Obviously the word circumstances is vague, and I think that's kinda the point. Our call is to rejoice and to give thanks. I've learned that the secret to joy in spite of untimely, unplanned, or what we may feel are unnecessary circumstances is the single mind and the submissive mind. I've learned that it's not about denying our circumstances as realities, but simply taking our eyes off of our situation and refocusing our gaze on Him. I've learned to cast my cares at the foot of the cross and move forward. I know who holds tomorrow and that's enough. I'm learning the art of laughing at the days to come because my God will always provide and make a way.So far my life has carried on pretty seamlessly. No major family deaths, divorces, health issues, or anything even remotely close to life altering. I used to carry this subconscious fear that because everything has been so good so far that there would one day everything would switch and start going terribly wrong. As if there was some sort of 'blessing cup' being poured out over my life and one day it would just have to run dry. But that's not who my God is, and fortunately, He is gracious enough to remind that's not who He'll ever be.My God will meet all of my needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4:19) The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing. (Psalm 1:4) My God is able to bless me abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that I need, I will abound in every good work. (2 Cor. 9:8)I can rest in these truths. I can be confident in these promises. His ways are unfathomably higher than mine, and He loves me enough to bring me back to this time and time again. Our faith has to be rooted in reality and what that is and confidence in who He says He is, and we declare that our God is bigger than anything that the enemy could ever try to throw at us. The enemy falls utterly powerless before our God. Even in the overwhelming reality of our testing circumstances, we can rejoice.words by Kirsten Larson and photo by Emily Steffen