Let It Brew (Not Be).


I woke up to brew a pot of coffee. I'm not sure it qualifies as a whole pot, because it came out to be just enough for one person, single ole me. I do not say that with bitterness, just some strong honesty. To be honest (yet again), one of the hardest things for me is patiently waiting for coffee to finish brewing. The smell wafts through the house, and I had been bribing myself all morning that if I diligently got up, I could pour myself a cup. This cup of joe was calling my name, and the worst news for me was to find out it would take a few minutes, due to the brewing process. Needless to say, I dislike waiting.Then I realized how perfectly this connected to something bigger and more profound in my life, for coffee always creates space for profound life changing moments. The Lord has been brewing kindness and goodness for me since the day I was born, and by golly am I eager to uncover what is next. His brewing seems to drag on forever (which in fact is a delightful truth), but my humanity wants to rush it all. I can smell the sweetness He has in store from a mile away, but it cannot come soon enough!I am also someone who hits a lot of red lights in life. Curious what that means? I will explain myself... I get going so quick in life, and then all of a sudden, I am required to come to an immediate stop. I throw my hands and palms up and look around with disbelief, grumbling, “What's up? Why'd I stop?” The Lord almost ignores my angered look and replies in only gentleness, “Because I want you to wait. You know I am good, you trust my heart, so wait for it to unfold.”This stopping and going has been much of my college experience. I smell something brewing, get giddy, make myself ready for it, and start going full speed ahead until Someone gently grabs my collar to say, “Wait. Enjoy the brewing stage! Know that what smells good now, will be even better if it must be waited for.”My friends, do not rush the brewing stage. If you do that with coffee, it either becomes too weak, or spills all over the burner beneath. There are consequences that come from rushing! He brews some darn good coffee, and it sure is worth the wait. So hold up, take a sip, and watch the red light. It will eventually turn green, but not until you learn to enjoy its shade of red.Have a few extra minutes? You better if you put into practice what I just wrote above! Look up two songs, “Life My Life Up Acoustic” and “Green Light Acoustic” by Unspoken. Carefully listen to how these songs may apply to how you can let His goodness brew without rushing it...Psalms 130 “Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord! O Lord, hear my voice! Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my pleas for mercy! If you, O Lord should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand! But with you there is forgiveness that you may be feared. I wait for the Lord, my soul waits and in his word I hope; my soul waits for the Lord more than watchman for the morning, more than watchman for the morning. O Israel, hope in the Lord! For with the Lord there is steadfast love, and with him is plentiful redemption. And he will redeem Israel from all his iniquities.”words by Kylie Hultgren and photo by Abby Melrose