Making Sense of Fruit.
Abiding.Over the last few weeks, this word has been scattered all over my news feed, my inbox, my Bible. I don’t know exactly how Jesus speaks to us, but this constant recurring word thing kinda felt like Him standing a little ways in the distance, waving His arms crazily up and down like a parent trying to get their child’s attention at a really crowded concert or something.I have a tattoo on the ring finger of my left hand. It will be there forever, whether a shiny wedding ring ever finds its way onto that finger or not. I got it a few months ago after falling in love with the chapter. You know the one. You’ve all heard it before, the beloved and romantic words of John 15 (MSG)…“I chose you’, ‘Make your home in me’, ‘When you’re joined with me and I with you, the relation intimate and organic…’”And to be honest, I haven’t thought about it since I got the “reminder” tattoo…ironic, isn’t it.It’s smooth and enchanting and it makes the concept of abiding seem nearly poetic.Now, I don’t believe there was any intentional deception here, I fully believe the Lord means what He says in His word. However, what I am saying is that the process of staying on the Vine isn’t always as charming as the Message Version Bible makes it out to be, but when we learn to do it well, the fruit just keeps coming.Of course, after that, then there’s the lingering ambiguity of the word, “fruit”. When we bear fruit with the Lord, what does that look like in everyday life? Why do we want the fruit anyways? I wanted to remember why I loved those words so much. I wanted them to play a bigger role in my life than just a pretty design on my hand. I wanted abiding to become desirable again.So, that being said, here are some real-life fruits I believe are born from abiding in the Lord.Consistency that bears Confidence.Probably one of the most daunting thoughts I’ve seen emerge in this generation of Christians is the fear of being purposeless, the longing for a calling. We’re so afraid of missing it, whatever “it” is. More times than not, I think this fear, coupled with the already fast pace of life itself, is the driving force behind our full planners. I think it’s the reason we’re addicting to overcommitting and trying to do it all. We are people who say yes and we should be, but if our yes is scattered and insecure, then it isn’t doing its job right. Abiding in the Lord, spending quality time in His presence and listening for that still, small voice is the only way we gain back the confidence that we are purposeful people. Who ever would have guessed that we needed only to make our home in something bigger than ourselves to discover the presence of a purpose right where we are? This is the confidence that gives us permission to say a humble “no” to the side stuff because we know in our hearts, it’s really a “yes” to the one big thing we’re after – Kingdom.Acceptance that bears Permission.Speaking of the word permission… man, is it weighty. It can be really easy to be quick to find fault within community. It’s easy for me to choose judgment over encouragement. I struggle with the idea that you can change people by the way you love them because I want a better way. Something that sounds more proactive. The truth is, though, it’s not about criticism, it’s about permission. I have a friend who is so brutally and unapologetically authentic. When I’m around her, I feel so free to just be myself because she’s so effortlessly herself. Our first responsibility is to make sure we’re walking out our own lives in the Spirit. When we choose to grab His hand and let the Lord lead, we walk in freedom, in confidence, and in genuineness. In turn, when we do these things without reserve, we give permission to the people around us to do the same. To walk in their true identity. To feel safe. To be changed. Without ever doing any finger pointing.Knowledge that bears Wisdom.Trust me when I say that clinging to that Vine is the difference between knowledge and wisdom. It’s not an overnight process. If you’ve ever heard the phrase “head to the heart,” abiding is the “to” part. It’s the road. The way. It’s the “oh my GOSH” moments when you hear a phrase you’ve heard in church your entire life, but for some reason, this last time, it just sent energy through your veins, rattled your bones and reverberated in your heart. It was meaningful, applicable and full of truth. The Bible can be confusing (like when it uses the word fruit to stand for something completely different), but the Lord doesn’t give us His words and His teachings without the intention of making them livable truths and carrying them out to completion in you. (It’s a promise, too.)“There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears.” Phil. 1:6 (MSG)Keep on, friends. Find solace in those charming words of John 15 and find peace in the process. Seek Him and you will find truth and rest. All my love to you always.words by Lauren McLemore and photo by Cate WillisSaveSave