

Anamnesis, the remembrance or recollection of previous events. Our life is filled with these amazing things called memories. They remind us of where we have been, what we have gone through, happiness and joy, sadness and pain. Our memories remind us of how we have become who we are. I want all of you to truly feel the weight of that statement. Think about who you are. Who God has shaped you into thus far. But let's take it a step further. Imagine what your life would be like without your memories. What if you could not remember how the Lord brought you and your family out of a state of financial need or a period of intense sadness? What if you could not remember what the Lord taught you through all your hardships that you have had with your friends and relationships? Our lives would, in the most real sense, be a vicious cycle of heartbreak and confusion. How would our faith ever be able to grow, let alone the relationships we have with the people we love?I heard a message spoken recently by someone who has constantly spoke wisdom into my life. His whole message was on this idea of anamnesis. He pointed out from 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 that the Lord literally said, “This is my body, which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me….Do this as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.” These are the words of Jesus from the Last Supper, and these are now the words that we say when taking communion in the church. Christ commands that we remember what has happened to us. The good and the bad. Because as bitter or as sweet as those memories can be, God has a purpose for each and every one of them. In fact, Christ knew every one of those things was going to happen to you before you had taken a breath on this earth. God has so intricately planned every day of our lives with such a purpose that He demands we take a step back and say, “Wow” in awe of His power. Regardless of our pain. Regardless of our scars, whether they are metaphorical or real. Regardless of all the crap that we feel we must carry ourselves day in and day out. Christ reaches His hand out toward that baggage and asks us to let Him carry it - but He also asks we remember so that our faith can grow and so that we can also give Him the glory that He is so so worthy of. When Jesus spoke those words at the Last Supper, He was preparing for what would be the greatest sacrifice of all time. He was getting ready to walk footsteps that we would never have to. He was about to feel the weight and heartbreak of every human to ever live. This is single handedly a part of the most important story of all time, and He chose to make remembering a part of that. Breathe, remember what Christ has brought you through and is currently bringing you through. I would even encourage you to write down these things so that you will have something physical to remind you of God’s goodness in your life. Allow the power of anamnesis to push you into the faith and future that Christ has designed for you.words and photo by Abby PullicinSaveSaveSaveSave