I’m a planner. So much so, that if something comes along that was not part of my plan, I go into panic mode and fall into overwhelming anxiety.I have been fascinated by the story of Nehemiah, a book in the Old Testament of the Bible. Until recently, I had never read Nehemiah before, and as soon as I began I was immediately captivated by this new story. Nehemiah is now major #goals for me. He was wise, brave and completely confident in the Lord. Nehemiah was called by God to lead the exiles back to their land, rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, and grow the Jewish community. This task was daunting, to say the least. When Nehemiah reached Jerusalem, he shared his plan with the rest of the group. He shared not only what God had called them to do, but also how God had already provided thus far unbeknownst to them. I love the response.“I told them how the gracious hand of my God had been on me, and what the king had said to me. They said, ‘Let’s start rebuilding,’ and their hands were strengthened to do this good work.” (Nehemiah 2:18)I can’t tell you how many times I re-read that verse. They agreed to rebuild the wall, then God strengthened their hands. I wonder what that looked like. Did they look down and see a significant difference in their hands? What does a strengthened hand even look like? I couldn’t tell you. But I know that is a gift to be equipped as soon as you agree to something. God didn’t wait until they began their work to strengthen their hands as they built, but to continue showing His faithfulness, He blessed them right away in their obedience. Sometimes we have to wait a little longer to receive a gift of faithfulness, but this we can be sure of, it will always come. All too often I want the strengthened hands before I agree to the work, before I take the first step in obedience. I read this passage amazed at their faith, and convicted of my lack of.Later in chapter 4, enemies arise with threats to cease the work and attack the builders. Rather than quitting the work for protection, Nehemiah equipped the workers. He gave them spears, swords and bows and stationed them to work by families for safety. In verse 14, chapter 4 he tells them, “Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the great and awe-inspiring Lord…”When I am doing the Lord’s work, whatever that may be for my season, and trouble comes (because it will) do I step back in fear, or do I equip myself and press on? Unfortunately, I often retreat. I tell myself I’ll return to the work next week, or tomorrow, or next year when the time is right, which only translates to “when it is convenient and safe for me.” A harsh truth to admit, but I’m being honest. Do you know what happened with those enemies? They didn’t attack. Instead, they plotted to lure Nehemiah away to kill him. However, despite their attempts, Nehemiah resisted. He knew what God was asking him to do - to finish the wall - and he stayed to do just that rather than be distracted and pulled away from his work. In chapter 6 he even prays again, “But now, my God, strengthen my hands…”In the hardship, he recalls what God did before and asks that he do it again. What do you do when hard circumstances come and being faithful to the work God has called you to do feels like a never-ending war? I tend to ask questions. I ask why God is making it so hard. I’m sure Nehemiah felt that way in building the wall, but he responded to the interruptions with grace and persistence. Reading how Nehemiah equipped himself for his mission has made me re-evaluate how I stay equipped to continue my work. I ask myself these questions:What work is God calling me to be faithful in right now?How am I equipping myself so I may continue this work?Is there anything distracting me from this, and if so, what can I do to eradicate it?Where has the Lord provided for me before? I write these down and keep them nearby.God has called us all to a mission. Whether it is working in a draining job, serving a hard-to-love group, raising children, or building a wall, we all have a call to be faithful to something right now. Nehemiah lived a beautiful picture of keeping his eyes on the mission, continuing the work and remembering God’s faithfulness and provision to help him press on. When your soul is weary and doubtful, remember what God has done before and ask that he strengthen your hands again to continue.words by Lauren Grindstaff and photo by Sara Beth Pritchard