Hurt, Pain, and Heartache...Your Greatest Weapons.
Lifestyle, RelationshipsShannon Dunnblog, brokenness, choice, despair, encouragement, god, heartbreak, hope, hurt, Jesus, joy, love, pain, rejection, trials, trust, war, weapon, wisdom
Share Your Story.
Lifestyle, Relationships, College and CareerMegan Sauerscardboard testimony, doubt, faith, heaven, John, scripture, story, testimony, witness
A Little More Kindness.
Lifestyle, RelationshipsAmanda LeMastersactions, compassion, goodness, hate, Jesus, kindness, meaning, relationships, social media, success, thoughts, words
Relationships, College and CareerMegan Sauersbeloved, calling, career, change, child of the king, dreams, god, growing up, identity, Jesus, job, moving, new york city, reminders, transition, Truth
Living Life Together.
Lifestyle, Relationships, College and CareerLucy Boylandauthenticity, college, friends, friendship, generosity, intentional, life, love, vulnerability
Remember My Chains.
Lifestyle, Relationships, College and CareerClaire Pratheranxiety, Bible, Christian, claire prather, college, Colossians, fear, insearchofsunlight, lifestyle, paul, relationships, remember my chains
Lifestyle, Relationships, College and CareerMegan Sauerscomfort, faith, heaven, hebrews, home, moving, postgrad, reminders, truths
Search For The Light.
The Thief Named Comparison.
Lifestyle, RelationshipsShannon Dunnacceptance, beauty, confidence, dreams, emotion, empowerment, faith, hope, joy, life, lifestyle, love, relationships, self-love, social media, vulnerability
Things I've Learned So Far.
An Open Letter to the Ones Who Stay.
Close Friendships.
We Must Love.
Lifestyle, Relationships, College and CareerMeredith Blairbe kind, czech republic, john lennon wall, láska, life, love, love all, prague, social justice, speak up