God, I Look To You.
Lately, life has been so wild. It’s been the best season of my life, but I’ve had some new, intense obstacles thrown in my path. I’ve been dealing with health issues that I can hardly explain, and financially I’m more strapped than I’ve ever been.I had been working two jobs, but a few weeks ago the Lord asked me to quit my main source of income. After a bit of bargaining, I decided that I want my life to look absurdly obedient to God no matter the cost. So, I quit my job. God said He would provide but I’m in an odd “in-between” stage where I’m absolutely strapped on cash, but He keeps asking me to give what I have away. Of course, I listen because the God who sees it all must have my best interest in mind.I’ll be very transparent and vulnerable with you though, the other day I broke into a million pieces. I wondered why I hadn’t yet been healed, why I was so financially unstable, why are things starting to generally fall apart in my life? As I was worshipping in my room crying out to God, I realized that no matter what is happening in my life He's good.He’s good. He’s always been good, He always will be, and nothing will change that.His goodness is not situational, His love doesn’t shift depending on your current state, He’s constant. Because I know that He’s a constant God, I can stand on my conviction that He is who He says He is; good. When I come before God with a “why” of course He isn’t threatened by my questions, but He really loves when I stand by His goodness. When I partner with truth and proclaim thankfulness, the atmosphere shifts. When I stop looking at a situation and I begin to focus on heaven it redirects my heart back to Jesus.In recognizing His goodness rather than glorifying my hard situation, everything in me shifts. I get to watch what He's doing and tell Him that I trust Him even when I can't see his plan. I got a vision of driving up a mountain through winding roads today, and though it was dark and I couldn't see the next turn, I saw bright yellow signs that lit up as my headlights hit them. I felt such a wild peace as the Lord reminded me that in this season of life, I had to trust that He was taking care of me. He was guiding me like the signs, and not directing me clear off of a cliff. He's a good father who wants to see you thrive, He's not out to ruin you. He's rooting for you, helping you up to the top of the mountain.God, I look to you. I won’t be overwhelmed. Nothing that the devil throws my way could alter your goodness. He can’t steal your goodness. I refuse to look at my situation and blame you, but instead I’ll praise you (and kick the devil’s teeth in through wild thankfulness for my Father). My feet will forever dance upon disappointment and in celebration of who You are, Jesus. I believe and will stand firm in knowing that you’re good and you’re never gonna let me down.words by Samantha Imada and photo by Hailey Pierce