Square Peg in a Round Hole.
Lifestyle, College and CareerSara Bethalone, anxiety, change, college, emptiness, encouragement, faith, hope, passions, patience, peace, trust
When Life Gets Uncomfortable.
Lifestyle, College and CareerTiffany Campbellanxiety, beauty, change, college, confidence, difficulty, faith, fear, growing up, hope, life, lifestyle, opportunity, patience
Miss Independent.
Wait... I'm Human?
LifestyleShannon Dunnacceptance, adventure, alone, anxiety, change, confidence, difficulty, emotion, emptiness, exhaustion, faith, fear, freedom, future, growing up, happiness, hope, Jesus, joy, life, lifestyle, love, moving, opportunity, passions, patience, peace, self-love, trust, vulnerability
You Matter.
Adventure, LifestyleMaali Padroabandonment, acceptance, adventure, alone, authenticity, change, confidence, desert, difficulty, dreams, emotion, empowerment, emptiness, faith, fear, focus, future, growing up, happiness, heaven, life, lifestyle, light, love, moving, newness, passions, patience, seasons, spring, Truth, you matter
Still Learning.
It'll Come.